Category Archives: sexologists in delhi

sex causes separation

Sex causes separation of some couples

Various problems are the cause of the separation of some couples, one of them is sex since it affects a number of relationships around the world.

Some of the most frequent causes of separation are anchored in intimacy, in the security that each one has and in how they project it to the spouse; in self-love that is reflected in the way of loving, in respect and tolerance for oneself and others.

Sexual problems between couples are caused by two reasons, emotional and physical, with the former influencing the latter.

Unresolved disputes affect emotionally because they cause a lack of libido. In the case of women, it is necessary to be emotionally well with the partner to have a sexual relationship; while men can separate the emotional from the physical and sometimes find in sex the solution to couple problems.

Fears are another important factor in sexual problems, an example of this problem is the fear of not meeting expectations and this emotional aspect directly affects physical performance that can sometimes cause frigidity (it is not that it cannot be enjoyed or that lack of desire, but the absence of all kinds of pleasure in sexual intercourse), erectile dysfunction (difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection), vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa that is usually accompanied by an increase in vaginal discharge.), problems reaching orgasm.

The lack of security of one or both spouses can cause problems of infidelity, addiction to sex, or sexuality (lack of sexual desire).

These are some of the causes that cause problems in couples’ sexual relationships that can lead to divorce.

Above mentioned problems are curable but require specialized treatment. Consult Best Sexologist in Delhi Dr. P K Gupta for treatment of these problems.

Sexual intelligence

Sexual intelligence, how to develop its potential

Surprised? Sexual intelligence exists, and we are going to prove it to you… Are you interested in finding out how to increase your sexual intelligence quotient? Know the foundations on which it is based and tips to develop it.

Nowadays, talking about intelligence suggests valuing the multiple abilities and capacities present in each one of us that will help us develop as people and adapt properly to the environment in which we live. Gone are the restrictive and reductionist visions of general intelligence, to make way for a global perspective in which there is room for aspects as relevant as emotions and previously ignored feelings. And also, why not, the sexual plane.

Already in 1983, Howard Gardner identified up to 8 types of intelligence: bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. This American psychologist was followed by the work of Salovey and Mayer on emotional intelligence, a term popularized years later by Daniel Goleman. In 2002, the psychologist couple Sheree Conrad and Michael Milburn surprise us with their work Sexual Intelligence, adding to the list a revolutionary conception that we will find below.

What is sexual intelligence?

Sexual intelligence refers to the type of knowledge closely related to our ability to enjoy a healthy, full and satisfying sex life. What does this mean? Well, it means that the higher your Sexual Intelligence coefficient, the better prepared you will be to be able to benefit from the benefits that sex can offer you.

Next question… can we talk about sexual intelligence as an immovable term? Not at all! Like any type of ability, this can and should be worked on in order to achieve the best version of ourselves in terms of love arts. I will never get tired of repeating it, sex is an important part of our lives, let’s give it the importance it deserves!

Now that we know what sexual intelligence is all about and we have found out that we can promote it, it is time to investigate the variables that will modulate this interesting factor in order to take advantage of them. If you want to pass the exam with flying colors, you have no choice but to continue reading…

How to lay the foundations of your sexual intelligence

As you can imagine, sexual intelligence is a broad and complex term that is nourished by numerous and varied aspects, but when it comes to highlighting the foundations on which a solid and robust sexual background is built, we agree in pointing to education, the self-knowledge and communication as directly responsible for it. Let’s see how to work them to increase your sexual intelligence quotient:

Sex education

If there is an aspect in which sexologist in Delhi like to emphasize, this is without a doubt that of education. With it everything begins and on it is where we begin to build the people of tomorrow and, although it is important to apply it from childhood, be clear that it is never too late to learn. A correct affective-sexual education from children must contain clear and objective information about what we are and how we work, without forgetting to promote the attitudes and values ​​that must prevail when relating to each other. Knowing our body and knowing how we can enjoy it will be as important as promoting respect for oneself and for others, the acceptance of diversity and making it clear that sex is synonymous with health, fun and enjoyment (if it makes us suffer, something is wrong).

This that seems so simple, in reality constitutes a great challenge. Sex education has often been ignored in schools or health services and clumsily assumed by religion, the mass media or the family environment itself, among others, thus promoting prejudice, myths and false beliefs around it. Today we talk more about sex, but not necessarily better; we find more sexual information, but not always rigorous; we practice more sex, but it does not mean that we enjoy it more … quantity is not synonymous with quality and knowing how to discern between good and bad is not always easy.

Self knowledge

Once we have accurate information about how our body works and how it behaves sexually, it’s time to take action. How is this done? experimenting, we have no other. Keep in mind that we are not machines and fortunately we are not all cut from the same cloth. In order to carry out what I like, I first have to know what I like… obviously, right? Knowing yourself sexually is fundamental and is something that is often mistakenly overlooked. Perhaps we are once again facing another major sinkhole in the construction of the pillars of this type of intelligence, since the issue of self-knowledge has also been subjected to censorship and harsh criticism. Since we were little, many teach us that “that” (genitals) should not be touched and they scare us with ridiculous consequences if we do, feeding fallacies and provoking feelings of guilt and shame, ignoring that here it is not about prohibiting, it is about guiding and teaching what is the ideal time and place to do it.

In the case of girls, this circumstance is exacerbated, with female masturbation being a taboo subject that fortunately is now beginning to be uncovered. In any case, be clear: there is nothing more wonderful than knowing our own body and connecting with ourselves, investigating, experimenting, putting ourselves to the test and above all, loving ourselves very much!


After having formed ourselves concisely and after having found what satisfies us, now is the time to speak. Yes, talk, communicate with our partner in sexual adventures to find out what he likes and, at the same time, trust him with what we like. Be honest and tell him what you would be interested in improving, what you would change about your meetings or take the opportunity to tell him that what you did yesterday drives you crazy and you want to repeat. Yes, talking, that easy and many times that complicated at the same time.

What is clear is that here the telepathic powers that some people think they possess do not work, and I assure you that what you do not tell him, he does not have to know. Believe me, people understand each other by talking!

Tips to develop the potential of your sexual intelligence

Boosting your sexual intelligence is investing in well-being and, without a doubt, it will always bring you benefits both personally and as a couple. If sex is health, sexual intelligence will be able to increase our physical and mental health, while developing our emotional intelligence and freeing us from prejudices, myths and false beliefs. The power of knowing ourselves will imply respecting and loving ourselves more, triggering our self-esteem and reflecting this circumstance in our intimate encounters. Sexual intelligence will take us away from the routine and will encourage us to try new things… do you need more reasons?

Here are some tips for developing it:

  • Knowledge does not take up space, so nourish yourself and soak up sex; read about sex, write about sex… think about sex!
  • Take your time to assess your sexual experiences; what do you lack, what do you have left over, what would you like to repeat, what do you want to inquire about…
  • If you don’t like something… tell him! If you love something… tell him too!
  • In sex, anything goes, as long as it’s not harmful to us or our sexual partner… So maybe it’s time to put new things into practice!
  • Sex is not limited to the genitals, remember that the skin is the largest organ of the human body, are you ready to travel without fear on the wide map of erogenous zones?
good sex

The four words that ensure good sex

Normalizing giving and receiving feedback is essential, according to experts

Communication is not just what we do when we have to present a work in public, give a speech or simply call a friend. Forgetting this information may be damaging your life, in every way, also your sex life. Although speaking is a spontaneous and natural act, this fact quickly gets us used to not paying attention to what we say but, above all, to what we do not say.

Having a healthy sex life often depends on a phrase as simple as it is ignored: have you ever asked the other person what they like? This is the key to sexual pedagogy that many specialists are trying to do today, because in the age of communication it disappears from the most daily actions. Dr. P K Gupta, the best sexologist in Delhi who disseminates his knowledge through blogs, emphasizes the importance of asking, knowing, and engaging in a dialogue that helps bring people closer (even closer) in their sexual relationships.

“In my opinion, one of the hottest things is when a couple asks: ‘Like this?’“, Dr Gupta says in one of his posts. For this sexologist in Delhi, communication is a necessary tool for pleasure, since asking gives rise to experiment: “Having control of sex and letting your partner know when he is doing something right leads to more pleasure and a deeper connection.” Also, ensure that talking during sex improves communication in other areas of your life.

Essential for affection

It is impossible for the other person to know everything about you, not even if it is your partner, because sometimes even you don’t really know what you like and what you don’t, precisely because you ignore the occasional chat. “Some of us hope that our partners intuitively know our sexual desires, but that is rarely possible,” says Dr Gupta in this sense, and many people seem to agree with him.

There are many people who comment on his blogs to reaffirm his message: asking is “essential” also for affection, another basic aspect for a relationship to grow. Without forgetting the macho component that often surrounds this non-practice, as if women do not enjoy sex exactly the same as a man, and in different ways as well.

That is why a sexual education that dialogue, feminist and diverse is so important, because the whole of society depends on it. But do not be overwhelmed, even if sleeping with someone is a political act, perhaps it is that politics is simpler than it seems. Remember: you just have to ask. “Normalize giving and receiving feedback in bed,” as Dr Gupta says.

Different sexual needs as a couple

Different sexual needs as a couple, what should we do?

Sexual relations can be a vital part of a satisfying relationship. But what if only one of you has sexual needs? One in five women is unhappy with their sex life and, in general, only 17% are very satisfied.

There are natural causes that can affect sexual desire, including hormones such as low testosterone in men and women. Low testosterone levels can cause a low sexual drive. Fortunately, a doctor can treat this. Sexual desire may be lower due to oral medications such as stress, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and birth control pills can affect your sexual desire. So, if you are taking medication and do not feel like having sex, you will need to talk to your sexologist in Delhi to find out what is happening.

It is necessary to distinguish between different sexual desires between a couple and an infectious disease or substance abuse.  The latter states that he has an insatiable desire to remain sexually active, which can be problematic and stressful in a relationship. Even if there are other points to be considered they cannot be ignored. These include mental and sexual relationships, accepted sex education, religious background, as well as the positive or negative relationships you have with sex. The true relationship you have with your partner can also contribute to the way you interact with them sexually.

Everyone has a natural desire to satisfy their sexual urges, but you can know how much you want or need in your life. It all comes down to communication in all aspects of your relationship, especially with sex.

Different sexual desires

Maybe you want to have more sex than your partner or some other way. It is important to know why you have low sexual desire as it can vary from physical things to other causes, such as stress or unresolved emotional problems. Once you have established common ground with your spouse, you can support each other.

In addition, masturbation is a solution, other intimate alternatives should be sought to engage in sexual activity, such as sex or oral sex.

Don’t worry if your sex drive is low. Take the time to introduce the sex goddess to you. Focus on the journey, not the destination. Embrace sexual desires and the perfect physical experience when you are close to your partner. Also, take turns giving and receiving pleasurable experiences that sex brings to the table or in the room.

Sexual life with a couple can be enjoyed through good communication!


10 health benefits of having frequent sex with your partner

If you thought that the only reason men enjoyed sex was then here is some insight for you about marriage and sex , Not only would they have positive effects on your relationship as one of the benefits of regular sex, but the health benefits of sex are also enormous.

We all know that one of the most basic reasons to have sex is reproduction, however if we are able to maintain an appropriate frequency of being intimate with our partner, we can benefit in an important way.

So to understand how often you should have sex with your spouse, we need to know how often married couples have sex? is it okay to have sex every day? and how to have more sex in marriage?

A study conducted in 2015 found that while love making health benefits of love is more than obvious, after reaching a certain frequency of sex, the degree of satisfaction of relationships is not affected.

The purpose of this article is to help you understand the health benefits of sex for women as well as the benefits of sex for men.

Women! You can now save money on expensive anti-aging creams, as research proves that one of the health benefits of daily sex with a man is that it can take at least seven years off your face! Thus making the benefits of daily sex even more instrumental.

Likewise, there are plenty of sex benefits for men in their marriage, it can help them burn calories, sleep better, promote happiness, longevity, great health and well-being.

We give you 10 health benefits of having sex with your sexual partner regularly!

1. Slash stress

One of the most important, as suggested by research, suggests that those couples who have regular sex deal better with stressful situations.

During sex, our bodies produce dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin – all of which help in de-stressing, elevating moods, and promoting desire. Cuddling after sex also lowers the level of cortisol in the body, the hormone that is secreted when you are stressed.

Slash stress

Stress has become one of the most obvious aspects of our adult lives, and although sex acts as a huge stress buster, the mystery is that stress often leads to a further decline in sexual intimacy. So you and your spouse need to make sure that you do not allow stress to ruin your relationship.

2. Lower your blood pressure

Forms of physical contact, as well as intimacy, can significantly improve your blood pressure. Frequent exercise – even if it’s a quickie – can reduce diastolic blood pressure and keep you healthier.

sexologist in delhi

3. Reduce the risk of cancer

Another health benefit of sex is that it reduces the chance of cancer, especially prostate cancer in men. This is mainly because it clears the prostate of toxins that might otherwise attach and later trigger cancer problems.

This is a good reason to have sex with your partner often.

reduce the risk of cancer

4. Increase your immunity

Fight colds and flush with sex! Antigens such as immunoglobulin A are released during activity, which can combat colds and even flu. Releasing more antigens means stronger immunity and a healthier body.

stay fit

5. Sleep better

Suffering from insomnia? You knew what to do! Sex, like exercise, increases your heart rate which then helps the body to relax. Feel-good hormones are released that promote better sleep and rest. This is one of the most important benefits of sex in marriage.

sleep better

6. Get regular periods and clear cramps

Women, if you have irregular periods, it could be due to a hectic lifestyle. Reduced levels of stress can also have a positive impact on your menstrual cycle. More good news: it can even help reduce period pain significantly.

Last but not least, another health benefit of sex regularly not only reduces pain by releasing endorphins, but also increases your tolerance for pain.

get regular periods

7. Prevent a heart attack

Sex is a pleasant cardio. It helps our bodies burn calories and improves the overall health of the heart. Research shows that sex can reduce your chances (by half) of a heart attack or stroke at least three times a week.

The only thing to remember is that sex should remain a frequent activity in this way. It would definitely help you to reduce the chances of a heart attack, however if sex is often held, it can also have a counter effect, causing it to carry blood flow to your heart.

prevents heart attack

8. Drive depression away

While having sex with spouse over time can decrease the tension and excitement of physical intimacy, it can still have some positive effects on your mind. Sex causes your brain to release feel-good chemicals that lift your moods.

The body’s most important antidepressant chemical (as a happy hormone) Serotonin is released during the activity that makes people happy, happy and relaxed. More sex equals more Serotonin & no depression.

drive depression away

9. Look younger and attractive

Having regular sex can make you look younger than your age. Men and women with an active love life enjoy many youth-enhancing effects and appear at least 7 years younger than they really are! In addition, it improves your profession itself.

Perhaps sexual activity releases your body into a chemical substance called pheromones that increases your urge and makes you attractive. It improves your sense of smell, improves digestion, and gives you a healthy skin that is associated with the release of DHEA by the body.

look younger and attractive

10. Track your self-image

People who have sex feel more regularly confident about themselves and their bodies. An important benefit, sex improves your self-esteem and feels great. Regular sex can increase your cognitive functions, and memory performance, which in turn help you to perform better in other aspects of your life.

stay positive

Still envious of the health benefits of having sex with your spouse? Consult Dr P K Gupta, Best Sexologist in Delhi.


16 things men want women to know about sex and intimacy

What exactly does a man want in a relationship and in bed? How good are you in bed?

These are just some of the questions that you can ask yourself.

After all, women want to be the best for their partners, right?

Remember that sex is a learned skill.

It does not mean that you have to exercise everywhere and with everyone, it does mean that you have to know how to please your man in bed and be aware of the things that men wish women knew about sex.

So, if you are competitive and you want to find many ways to please your man sexually, then take it from the guys themselves.

Check out these sex tips from boys for women.

1. Be very careful when handling the man underneath

A man’s penis is super-sensitive after they ejaculate. So, be very careful with handling the man there. Sure, we love the sweet feeling of your mouth after we ejaculate, but please be very gentle!

2. Do not be shy

Great sex advice from men, we honestly can not care if you are sweaty after we do it. This is one of the things that men wish women knew about sex , Do not be shy or make a big deal about it. Considering what a great thing we just did, do not worry about the sweat , It’s nothing.

3. Sex is too tired for us

Sex is too tired for us

So, do us a big favor and take a load sometimes ,

This is one of the things that boys wish girls knew. The missionary position is great, no doubt, but sometimes we also have sore muscles. We would love it if you would take the lead and just drive us.

4. Try different ways to get things done

What men wish women knew is that condoms will make it harder for us to wear like that with our ejaculate ! Por favor! The feelings we have without the condom is different than we have it.

That, that’s among the things men wish women knew about sex , If you want to help us, that would be great too. Add a little more foreplay and you can also try different ways to finish things off as well.

5. We care, really

What does intimacy mean to a man? It means a lot, but that does not mean we do not want to be sure if you are on the pill or not, right?

No ladies, we care and we just want to take care of it. Among the things that men wish women knew about sex , this may be one of the hardest to explain, especially if you are in a relationship.

6. We like how you taste there

sexologist in Delhi

What do boys like about sex? We like how you taste there , Of course we want women to practice safe and basic hygiene, but you do not have to be too self-conscious about what you taste – trust us. We will not go down if it is not right.

7. We can feel it when you are not real

One of the things men wish women knew about sex is that we know, we can feel it when you are not doing it , If you are giving us the head and you do not want it, we know we can do it even I feel. Just tell us – we’ll understand.

8. Do not always wait for us to ask for sex

What boys want in sex is a woman who knows what they want.

Do not always wait for us to ask for sex or to initiate it. Be a woman who knows what she wants and sometimes be aggressive. We love that in a woman – it’s so sexy!

9. We love it when you’re naughty too


We find it great when you know how to tease and when you know how to talk dirtyIn fact, it’s one of the top things men wish women knew about sex.

10. Let us know what you want in bed

How to be a good woman in bed?

Simply, please let us know what you want in bed We can not guess, we are not narrators. If you want us to light up your senses and let go of the animal in you, tell us what’s up. Tell us your deepest fantasies. Then we can take action

11. Men also love enlightenment

One of the things that men wish women knew about sex is that men also love enlightenment , We would appreciate it so much if you give us our full and passionate foresight.

12. Some men are shy to ask their partner to try out fantasies

Things that boys like in bed, but not to ask, is to try and pursue our fantasies. Some men are shy or are not too comfortable asking their wives or girlfriends to try out sexual fantasies.

One of the reasons is that we may be abusing you and we do not want that. Although, in reality, things that keep men in bed include hot role-playing games.

13. We love spontaneous sex

sex improvement

Things men wish women knew about sex is that we love spontaneous sex ! In fact, it’s so hot to have sex out of nowhere. We also love doing it in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and anywhere we can do it!

14. We are not always in the mood for sex

Another thing we want women to know is that not every time we are always in the mood for sex , Scared? Do not be. It is not that we do not have problems either.

Sometimes, illness , stress, and even problems can cause us to not have sex – even when you’re so hot.

15. Do your part, please

This is one of the most important things men wish women knew about sex , There’s nothing more disappointing than a woman who does not seem interested in making love, It’s even insulting, that please, if if you’re not in the mood, tell us.

Can you imagine dying to a person who is not interested and at least, bored?

16. Most men would like to try sex games

Sex toys ! Most men would love to try sex games but are a little shy to open up the subject, if you think we like them, please ask us. We would be happy to try it!

This is one of the things that men wish women knew about sex and please think about it.

These things that men wish women knew about sex may or may not apply to you, but in general men should be satisfied as well and it would be greatly appreciated if you take the time to ask about it as well.

After all, isn’t communication the key to a long lasting relationship and even to explosive sex?

For any sexual problems meet best sexologist in Delhi for counselling and treatments. Call +919999925201

Symptoms of sexual problems in marriage

Symptoms of sexual problems in marriage

In married life, sex is a very important part of life. A happy couple must have good sex (higher quality than most). For a family to thrive, parents must be actively involved in their happiness. When sex life is very low it can be a warning sign that there are other problems in a marriage, other than sex.

It is important to consider that poor sexual health in marriage increases the chances of separation in less than a year. In this sense, it is important to consider the symptoms that will indicate that your sexual health is declining significantly, suggests sexologist in Delhi.

Symptoms of low sex drive

  • You have sex once or twice a month
  • Sex becomes more than just a matter of taste
  • He engages in sexual relations only if they are premeditated
  • You do not feel close or intimate with your partner after having sex
  • Your partner’s sexual desires have ceased to exist, and yours is also reflected in their absence.
  • It seems that you are the only one who wants to have sex because your partner is not interested in sex
  • There is no sense of pleasure or selfishness in a sexual relationship with your partner
  • None of you want sex while you sleep
  • Your spouse enjoys solitude and doesn’t want to have sex with you
  • You may enjoy pornography on your own and / or masturbate instead of having sex with your partner

While sexuality is important, research shows that couples who communicate well and share things are more likely to have sex. Before you try to improve your sex life with toys or underwear or sex, work with communication skills and spend more time with your partner.

best foods to boost sex life

The best foods you can eat to boost your sex life

Nutrition is not only important to feel good about your body and lead a healthy life. It is also true if you suffer from erectile dysfunction or are frustrated with your sexual relationships.

A poor diet can not only destroy your goals of leading a healthy life and maintaining your figure but also end your erection. Eating dishes loaded with fat frequently affects the health of your heart, but also your sexuality: the virile member has blood vessels that can also be blocked by cholesterol and other substances. As with the cardiac organ, fats also restrict the flow of blood to the penis, preventing it from hardening when it is ready for action. Obviously, many of these foods can also increase your chances of developing high blood pressure.

It may sound strange, but for Dr P K Gupta, Best Sexologist in Delhi, India, you should treat your ‘little soldier ‘ as if he were “a luxury car”, that is, it is necessary to fill it with the right fuel so that it works without problems and stay like new; Instead of gasoline, all you need is a regular exercise routine and eating healthy foods to keep you strong. This is what experts like him say: eating healthy can increase your testosterone, strengthen sperm, and overload your erection. We have made a compilation with some of them.

The coffee

According to a study conducted by the University of Texas Health Sciences Center on more than 3,700 men, this morning drink has the power to enhance your sex life. Those who drank the equivalent of 2 to 3 cups a day (between 170 and 375 milligrams of caffeine) were less likely to report problems related to erectile dysfunction than men who did not. What is this about? Caffeine triggers a series of effects in your body that help the arteries in the genital area to relax and increase blood flow, producing an effect similar to that of drugs to treat erectile dysfunction like Viagra.

Salmon, egg yolks or horchata

The penis needs vitamin D to be in shape, and these foods contain high amounts of it. A recent study found that this chemical compound increases levels of testosterone, the hormone that enhances your sexual desire. In addition, doctors reveal that having low levels of it can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. “Without it, the blood vessels cannot dilate, making it difficult for blood to flow to the male organ,” says sexologist in Delhi.

Pistachios, almonds, or walnuts

Are you hungry and don’t know what to put in your mouth? Many will turn to the typical sausage sandwich to satisfy their appetite. Instead, go for nuts. A study in Turkey had 17 men ingest 100 grams of pistachios for three weeks. In the end, all without exception perceived a remarkable improvement in their erectile function, in their ability to feel an orgasm, an increase in libido, greater sexual satisfaction, and better levels of happiness with their life. Pistachios contain a high amount of amino acids that increase the body’s nitric oxide, and like almonds or walnuts, they are a great source of healthy fats, perfect for the heart, and therefore, for the penis.

Legumes and olive oil

The Mediterranean diet is not only good for your heart, but it can also improve your sexual potency. In fact, heart disease is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. Once the cholesterol plaque begins to accumulate in the blood vessels, those of the penis is the first to be clogged. In general, sexologists in Delhi agree that eating more high-fiber foods has anti-inflammatory properties, which help promote healthy blood flow.

Bell peppers, peaches, and spinach

We return to the previous point: vitamin C is essential to have healthy sperm. According to a study by the University of Texas conducted on 75 men, after taking 200 milligrams of this chemical compound daily through fruit, they noticed an improvement in sperm of 15% more than before ingesting the vitamin. This not only meant a higher number of sperm but a higher survival rate and higher energy. According to the researchers, vitamin C appears to have the function of protecting sperm DNA. Of course, oranges are the most obvious choice, but you can alternate them with yellow bell peppers, peaches, or spinach.

How do you control premature ejaculation

How do you control premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation affects many men worldwide, it is the most common sexual problem among those under 40 years of age. It is important to understand the physical and mental causes behind the problem, but until this happens, fortunately, many techniques will help to delay or eliminate premature ejaculation.

Take a deep breath!

deep breath

Deep breathing is a form of meditation that often helps control sexual desire and tension leading to premature ejaculation. Superficial, rapid breathing speeds up the pulse, which can cause premature erections and ejaculation.

Try to inhale the air well for 5 seconds, then hold it in for 3 seconds and only then blow it out slowly, again for 5 seconds. If you can continue this rhythmic breathing for 5 minutes, you can take great advantage of it in the bedroom too! In addition, trying to breathe with your partner, paying attention to each other, greatly enhances intimacy.

Masturbate more often!


There are practical reasons for this advice: although men have significant amounts of sperm, they are not infinite. The more times you masturbate, the next time you can delay ejaculation longer.

Try interrupted masturbation! The point of this is that when you feel an orgasm approaching, it stops and then, after a short rest, continues to satisfy and stop, gradually getting closer and closer to orgasm, until you can no longer stop. Try pushing this out for 15 minutes, but if you feel your testicles or penis hurt, don’t stop yourself anymore. If you do this exercise regularly, you can experience where the point from which there is “no going back” is. If you feel you are already a master of technique, you can also try it in the bedroom.



Applying pressure to the bottom of the penis – to the same point that helps to delay orgasm during intermittent masturbation – can slightly reduce the amount of erection, thus delaying ejaculation. Once you know exactly what this point is, you can even ask your partner to help you practice this technique.

Kegel practice

kegel exercise

The relatively easy and discreet Kegel exercise is not only beneficial for women. There is no better way to train pelvic floor muscles and strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle). The PC muscle is located between the pubic bone and the coccyx and helps control urine and ejaculation, respectively.

The easiest way to train this muscle is to try to stop urine leaking on the toilet. To do this, you need to use the PC muscle. During Kegel exercise, this muscle should be stretched for approx. 10 seconds, then relax. Perform at least three sequences of exercises in a row, with 10-second breaks between them. You can do the exercise anywhere, anytime, either while driving or in front of the TV. The exercise strengthens the PC muscle so you can delay ejaculation by tightening it near orgasm.

Try new sex poses!

sexual dysfunction in women

Real sex is more than a traditional source of physical pleasure. Try new sex poses or apply tantric techniques during intimate togetherness! You may even find that you last longer in certain poses, ejaculate later. Generally, when the woman is on top, premature ejaculation can be delayed while the missionary pose is avoided.

If you feel close to orgasm, stop the stimulation (e.g., pull out your penis for a short time), stretch your PC muscle, and take a deep breath! Repeat this until the ejaculation compulsion is gone.



A condom reduces the sensitivity of the penis, so stimulation is less of a problem. Avoid condoms with warm lubricants that provide a warm atmosphere – the more stimulation, the greater the risk of premature ejaculation.

The use of a benzocaine condom, which can delay ejaculation by up to 5 minutes, is highly recommended. These condoms are treated with a mild anesthetic, benzocaine, which helps prevent premature ejaculation by reducing sexual stimulation. Don’t worry, you’ll still enjoy being together. If in doubt, try masturbating first to see the benefits of using it.

If you are allergic to latex, look for a condom based on polyurethane or polyisoprene.

Talk to your partner!

Communication is the basis of any relationship, and when it comes to sex, it is also important. Talk to your partner about premature ejaculation. Tell her if you feel close to ejaculation and interrupt the act for a short time. This can be a great time to pamper your partner orally or manually. If you feel ready again, they can continue making love.

Don’t have unrealistic expectations!

Focus on the joy! Premature ejaculation has no definition given in minutes or seconds. When stressed, it is not only psychologically unhealthy, but can even trigger premature ejaculation. Talk openly and honestly with your partner about your problem and possible alternatives. Remember, sex should be joyful and not stressful.

what is erection

What is erection: myths and facts about this phenomenon!

There are many rumours and myths about male erection. Increasingly, men are asking themselves how to ensure a lasting and firm erection. Therefore, they are led to look for shorter shortcuts, both to increase erectile function and to increase the size of the penis.

What is erection?

Before we start debating anything, it is necessary to define what an erection is:

Erection is a physiological phenomenon, in which the male reproductive system (the penis) hardens due to the high blood supply to the vessels that compose it.

The main purpose of erection is to allow a man and a woman to be able to reproduce. But in order to achieve this state, many factors of different origins must be present.

What is an erect penis?

We must remember that the human penis has no bones, like those of some animals. In humans, the organs responsible for erection are actually two spongy areas called corpora cavernosa. The cavernous bodies are, as their name implies, composed of tiny caves.

When the person feels sexually stimulated, these areas fill with blood. In addition, as the penis is covered by a layer that does not stretch, it has no choice but to gain volume while straightening, as the corpora cavernosa are filled with blood.

However, it is necessary to remember that, for an erection to occur, there must be arousal and sexual stimuli. And it is in accordance with this desire that the brain orders the penis to be erect.

In a healthy man, an erect penis can support up to 8 times normal blood flow. However, a small problem in the complex erection system can already cause erectile dysfunction.

Erection is achieved through an eight-step process:

  1. First, sexual arousal is triggered.
  2. The brain transmits this signal to the body, through the spinal cord and nerves.
  3. The blood vessels then release nitric oxide.
  4. Nitric oxide relaxes the arteries of the penis.
  1. And the blood flow in the penis grows.
  2. The veins of the penis constrict, trapping blood in the limb.
  3. Erectile tissue fills with blood, swells and hardens.
  4. Finally, the penis is erect.

Why is the penis erect?

There are several reasons why the male sex organ reaches erection. These different causes are usually called stimulants and vary according to orders and types. We can define them as follows:

  • Physical stimuli, for example: touching, contact with the penis, caresses.
  • Provocations of a psychological nature, such as: desire for the partner, sexual imagination and many others.
  • There is also the order of the sensory, for example: looking at an attractive body, smelling a perfume, etc.

However, it is still important to note that a man’s penis can be erect even without any stimulation. That is, what happens, for example, during the night, when a person is sleeping. Usually called nocturnal erections, they can occur 3 to 6 times a night. Likewise, there are morning erections, which occur very early in the morning.

This means that, at any time of the day or night, the penis can become hard. And in many situations, rigidity can be either voluntary or involuntary.

Is erection synonymous with desire?

As stated earlier, in most cases, the man must be stimulated in some way to make the penis hard. It takes stimulation for the process to start in the brain.

However, there are situations in which the penis hardens without the man feeling any form of desire. This is the case, for example, with priapism: a problem caused by different diseases or neurological disorders. Thus, priapism is an erection that lasts more than 4 hours and is often accompanied by pain.

On the other hand, involuntary erections are perfectly normal in teenagers and adults. In addition, an erection, although in most cases caused by a stimulus, does not necessarily require a sexual desire. Many men, as we said earlier, have erection without arousal – night or morning.

Night / morning erection is one of the three main types of erections possible. Also called reflex erection, its particularity is to appear very early in the morning. In fact, extensive studies have been carried out to understand its origin, what are its causes and how it works:

Morning erection and REM sleep

Men have night-time erections while sleeping: when they go into deep sleep (REM), an erection begins, lasting a period of 20 to 25 minutes.

On average, a person has five erections per night, and, in total, men spend 25% of the night with an erect penis. Therefore, the morning erection is basically the last one of the nights. Furthermore, contrary to what many believe, morning erection has nothing to do with the urge to urinate: this is a myth.

Morning erection is healthy for the body

Not only is he normal, but he is also healthy too: his body is calibrated to wake up with an erection every morning. In fact, the absence of regular morning erections can signal some hidden problem. It can be a sign, for example, of something more serious with your heart, blood circulation, hormone levels or your sleeping habits.

In general, the absence of night or morning erections is an important indicator for other health problems, precisely because they are involuntary and not psychological or related to arousal.

If your morning erection stops occurring regularly, talk to a sexologist in Delhi.

The two main theories about why men have night-time erections concern hormone levels and increased blood flow:

  • Noradrenaline production drops during sleep (this is the chemical element responsible for the control of testosterone, which makes erection possible).
  • Nitric oxide increases during REM sleep (this is the chemical element that relaxes the arteries of the penis and increases blood flow enough to cause an erection).

Dr P K Gupta Super Specialty Clinic Pvt. Ltd.

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