Tag Archives: penis size


The Penis: What Parts It Has And What Are The Main Types

The penis is one of the organs that make up the male reproductive system. There is currently significant social pressure on the size of this member.

Within the male reproductive system or apparatus the penis is the most important organ; At least socially speaking. There are many techniques and methods used to lengthen the male limb, although several of them are not at all effective or beneficial to health.

Likewise, although all penises share the same anatomical parts and functions, not all are equal in size and shape. That is why they are classified into different types.

In the following article, a sexologist in Delhi explains what the penis is, what parts it has and what functions each of them performs, as well as what types of penises exist. Finally, we will check if its elongation is possible and what are the most common methods.

What is the penis?

The penis is an organ of the male reproductive system, and it is also the external organ of the urinary tract. In most cases, this member usually has a flaccid form, and it is until sexual arousal occurs when it enlarges and becomes an erect penis.

In relation to the erection, this occurs because during sexual arousal the internal tissue increases. The latter as a result of the same tissue is filled with blood.

This is how this sexual organ stays hard and makes intercourse possible. When, despite being exposed to supposedly exciting stimuli, an erection is not produced, we talk about a possible erectile dysfunction, which has very different causes, from psychological to physiological.

Finally, ejaculation occurs when a man reaches orgasm and expels semen. This can be triggered by oral sex, intercourse – anal or vaginal – or masturbation. Through the practice of tantric sex, orgasm can be delayed and even occur in the absence of ejaculation. This is also known as “dry orgasm.”

The average size of this organ

The normal penis size, or rather, the average size (the one that most men usually have), ranges between 12 and 16 centimeters during erection. That is, the average penis size, presented by about 80% of men when they have an erect penis is usually between that measure.

However, it should be stressed that in its flaccid form there are many disparities in the measures of this member.

And how much is the maximum that this member can get to measure? Well, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest penis in the world is 48 centimeters and belongs to a Mexican, followed by an American actor and writer with a penis of 34 centimeters.

Parts of the penis and functions

As with any organ, the penis and the male reproductive system are made up of different parts and each one fulfills a certain function. Sexologist in Delhi explains below what these parts and functions are.

Within the male genitals, the human penis is composed of three pillars:

  • two corpora cavernosa that are next to each other, in the superior or dorsal part of the penis.

  • a spongy body, which is on the bottom or on the ventral side of the same member.

These tissues retain arterial blood during sexual arousal and cause an erection to occur.

In addition, the structure of the external male reproductive system is mainly composed of the 5 elements described below:


The glans is a bulbous tissue that is also known as the head of the member since it is at the end of it. It has a high concentration of nerves and that is why it is said to be the most sensitive part of the penis.

In the glans is the opening of the urethra, which is where urine, semen, and pre-seminal fluid come out.

2. Foreskin

The foreskin is a kind of elastic skin that covers and protects the tip of the male reproductive organ in its flaccid state. It retracts during the erection to expose the glans. Circumcised penises do not have this skin because they are operated and removed.

3. Scrotum

The scrotum is located at the base of the penis and is defined as an outer sac that contains within the testicles. Its temperature is usually 3 to 4 ° C (being lower than the temperature of the human body) so that healthy sperm can be produced.

4. Bridle

The frenulum is a part of the foreskin that meets the back of the glans. It is located below the head of the member and has a “V” shape. It is usually a very sensitive part that can even break during intercourse.

5. Trunk

The trunk of the penis extends from the tip of the penis to the area that connects to the abdomen. Inside it is the urethra. There are different shapes, such as curves or straight.

Types of the penis (size and shape)

Like female genitalia, there are many types of male sexual devices, with different shapes and sizes. Each of them is characterized by something in particular, which may be important for a better or worse sexual experience, although not necessarily.

Next, we will see the 8 most common types of penis.

1. Circumcised penis

In this case, the main feature is that the foreskin (the skin that protects the glans) has been removed by an operation. Most men usually have it this way.

As something to highlight about this type of penis is that they are usually quite sensitive because they do not have the foreskin. It is important to stimulate especially the glans in these cases.

2. Without circumcision

Unlike the previous one, the uncircumcised penis has intact the skin that covers the limb. At the time of erection, the foreskin is stretched and can be easily stimulated by raising and lowering this skin.

3. Curved or crooked penis

It has a curved shape, either up, down or to a specific side. It is normally said that it is ideal for stimulating the female G-spot. However, if your curvature is too pronounced it can be somewhat painful during intercourse.

When they are extremely curved they are known as Peyronie’s Syndrome.

4. Micropenis

The micropenis is a physical condition characterized by an abnormally small size of the male sexual member. Approximately its length in its flaccid state is around 2 centimeters. And on the other hand, when it is erect, it does not reach 7 centimeters.

If diagnosed correctly, there are medical treatments for proper management in micropenis cases such as testosterone administration.

5. Thick or fat penis

Obviously the size is not only determined by the length, but also by the width of the member. A thick penis would be one that exceeds 4-5 centimeters.

As with all sizes and types of penis, this is a feature that is known to use can be very pleasant.

6. Big penis

It is not necessary to have a member of 48 centimeters to consider it a large penis. Actually, if it exceeds approximately 16 or 17 centimeters, it can already be considered a large penis.

However, these types can cause problems at the time of sexual intercourse, but with good lubrication, exercises and choosing the indicated positions, they do not have to represent any problem.

7. Small penis

Its size is usually between 8 and 11 centimeters in its erect form. There are some penises that may seem small when they are not in erection and then really increase their size.

Although it is said that size matters, sexual pleasure is not determined by the size of the member, and a small penis can be enjoyed in the same way as one with a larger size.

8. Standard penis

It is a member whose size is that of the average. Its size does not usually vary much when it is erect or when it is flaccid. As stated before, the average is usually between 12 or 16 centimeters.

Penis enlargement treatment in Delhi: How to enlarge?

The increase in member size represents a very important social and cultural concern for many people. The social pressure exerted in relation to masculinity linked to the size of the member is very marked in Western societies.

Even many men suffer psychological problems related to this. Therefore, there are currently different devices and methods to meet this demand. Sexologist in Delhi describes below 5 of the most popular strategies to enlarge the penis:

1. Exercises to enlarge the penis

Stretching exercises are quite used in non-surgical procedures. One of the most popular is jelqing. It is a type of exercise very similar to milking movements. It consists of avoiding compressing the glans for approximately 6 minutes and in the meantime applying heat to the penis.

However, there are no conclusive studies that support this technique. And in addition, adverse effects such as secondary erectile dysfunction or infra pubic pain have been evidenced.

2. Extension devices

It includes the use of different devices, such as extenders or vacuum pumps. In this case, there are also not enough studies to prove its effectiveness. Specifically, in the case of extenders, it has been shown that there could be an increase in penile length in its flaccid state, but not when it was erect.

3. Pseudo-extension methods

It simply consists of modifying the pubic area so that, without changing the actual length of the penis, an optical effect of a larger size is produced. It is achieved by shaving pubic hair and dieting to reduce the volume of fat at the prepubic level.

Putting piercings on the penis can also fall into this category, as it generates a similar effect, and can also produce greater pleasure. Of course, it is very important to do this with the right professional and following all the corresponding care instructions.

4. Use of phytotherapy

It is about consuming vitamin supplements associated with phytotherapy that they say, promotes vasodilation of the corpora cavernosa, increases the production of testosterone, favors elongation, among other things.

However, this practice and products have not been scientifically endorsed, so their benefits have not been proven.

5. Cosmetic surgery

Aesthetic surgery to lengthen the penis can be lengthening or thickening. They are known as “penile cosmetic surgery” and are indicated for a limited number of people. Specifically for those diagnosed with micropenis.

For the rest, it is advisable to receive counseling from a sexologist in Delhi before undergoing such an intervention. This is because, after receiving information about it, as well as after exploring the concerns related to the enlargement of the male limb, approximately 96% of people finally refuse to undergo cosmetic surgery.

Is penis size related to erection problems

Is penis size related to erection problems?

It is a popular myth to think that erection problems are related to penis size, the important thing is not the size, but the stiffness of the penis. Recall that the sexual function of the penis is given in erection and not the state of sagging, so that size is not an important factor, but the ability to stand up to achieve penetration. Interestingly, the larger a penis, the more blood it will need to achieve an erection.

How tall is a normal penis?

In India the average ranges between 10 and 13 centimeters.

Measures that really matter:

The measures that determine cardiovascular risk are the ones that really matter since they are associated with erectile dysfunction.

Does penis size reduce with age?

The size of the penis does NOT reduce with age, what does happen with age is that the penis loses stiffness and this is really important.

There are certain reasons why you can feel or observe a certain lack of rigidity such as:

  • Increase of weight: This reason can be considered as a purely visual effect. Because there is more fat in the pubic area, including abdominal fat, which exerts a weight and pressure on the scrotum, the penis may appear to be shorter. But attention, being overweight, increases the risk that blood does not flow properly, and has stiffness problems.
  • Peyronies: This disease causes a totally abnormal penile curvature. In some cases, there is fibrosis or scar in the corpora cavernosa inside the penis, which inevitably shortens its length. It is also the case that in some treatments, the use of surgery is recommended to correct the curvature, thus shortening the penis.
  • Aging: Caused by atrophy related to the lower number of testosterone in the body and less sexual activity. For these reasons it is advisable, as you get older, to have as many more sexual relations and erections, in order to avoid such atrophy.

In erectile dysfunction, several factors can contribute to the failure of certain treatments, based mainly on phosphodiesterase – 5 ( PDE-5 ) among which stress, depression or problems with the couple can be highlighted.

In a recent study conducted in North America (Michigan), a treatment of PDE -5 was performed on 50 patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, they were registered by the same doctor, and after measuring penis size, they were divided into 3 chord groups.

Although treatment with PDE-5 inhibitors significantly improved all the domains of the scores, no statistically substantial differences were found between the 3 groups according to previously measured scores, before and after treatment.

It can be concluded that penis size is not a factor in the treatment of patients with erection problems. Although it can be affirmed that treatment with PDE-5 inhibitors partially improved certain measures, no statistically significant differences were found between the 3 groups.

So we return to the topic that addresses us. The really important thing to keep in mind regarding erectile dysfunction is the stiffness and strength of the penis. That is why there are different treatments such as low-intensity regenerative waves (shock waves) applied in different areas of the penis to help strengthen them, specific drugs that help regulate blood flow and as a last case surgery will be addressed.

At the sexologist clinic in Delhi, we have the best technology on the market to treat all our patients, with fully personalized treatments and direct and constant attention.

No matter what your problem, our sexologists in Delhi will attend you with the greatest privacy and always advise you which is the best treatment for you. Do not hesitate, and visit our sex clinic in Delhi.